Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Teacher As A Person In Society

(Welcome Education 128 students!!! Please take time to read our first lesson and accomplish what is expected of you for our next class session.These are taken from our textbook written by Bilbao, P. et al)

John Donne said in his song "No man is an island"..."No man stands alone... we need one another..." In the context of our life as a teacher, we would say "No teacher is an island. No teacher stands alone." Indeed, you can't become a teacher alone. Think of the many people who are helping you now become a teacher in the near future. In fact, you soon will be called a "teacher" in relation to a student, n the same manner that your student will be called "student" in relation to you as a teacher.

As a teacher, you have a significant role to play in society. Your influence on your students and on other people with whom you work and live depends a great deal on your philosophy as a person and as a teacher. our philosophy of life and your philosophy of education serve as your "window" to the world and "compass" in the sea of life.

There is a need then to formulate your own philosophy of education. To help you in this task, you are advised to take time to think and write all your answers to the following questions:

1. "Why do I teach?"
2. "What should I teach?"
3. "How should I teach?"
4. "What is the nature of the learner?"
5. "How do we learn?"

(Submission of the above answers to the questions will be on Dec 3. You are also advised to have a copy of the questionnaire on Determining Your Educational Philosophy on pp. 4-5, from the book of Purita P. Bilbao, et. al "The Teaching Profession" Answer the questionnaire yourself and be ready to share it to the class)